Withington pictures
Here are collections of photographs of Withington, Ladybarn and Old Moat, together with notes on history.  Historical information is taken from various sources. See the history page for an extensive list of historical resources. For pictures of the area as it was in the past, visit the old photographs page.

Click on the links or images below to visit the galleries.


General views of Withington, Ladybarn and Old Moat, together with historical notes. Most of the photographs in this collection were taken in March, 2010. Includes a series of pictures of Withington Green.

General pictures of buildings and places in the Withington area, with historical notes, taken mainly in May, 2010. Includes pictures of the redevelopment of Withington Hospital.
Withington Public Library: Interior

Some pictures of old buildings in the centre of the village together with historical notes, includes pictures of Withington Baths.


Old Moat is immediately to the west of Withington Village. Here are some pictures of the area taken mainly in May 2010. Includes pictures of Old Moat School and events associated with its new building.
Ladybarn, South Manchester


Ladybarn is to the east of Withington. It is an attractive area, with houses of various periods, shops and facilities including the splendid Ladybarn Park.

Churches and chapels of the Withington area

A collection of pictures, together with historical notes, of churches and chapels in the Withington area, including those no longer in use as places of worship.

Public houses of the Withington area

A collection of pictures, together with historical notes, of public houses in the Withington area.

Parks in the Withington area

There is a number of attractive parks in the Withington area. Here is  a collection of pictures, together with historical notes.


A collection of photographs of Withington taken during heavy snowfalls in the winter of 2009-2010.


Streams and brooks in Withington, Ladybarn and Old Moat.

The Parsonage Road area of Withington is immediately to the east of the village centre and consists predominantly of Victorian and Edwardian houses. These photographs were taken in the 1990s.

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