Withington pictures
Gallery Three
Here are pictures taken around the centre of Withington, together with historical notes. 

Click on the images to enlarge.


Oak Bank Buildings, on the corner of
Davenport Avenue and Wilmslow Road.
The datestone reads 1876.
Originally opened as a bank, which
moved across the road. See the
Village history for more details. [2012]

Withington Library - Interior

Withington Library: Interior - the
attractive hexagonal cupola. See the 
Village history for the design and
development of this library. [2012]
Withington Library, Foundation Plaque

A plaque commemorating the opening
of Withington Public Library, recording
the architect, Henry Price, and the
opening date May 30th, 1927.  See
the Village history for more details
of the history of the library. [2012]

Withington Public Hall, Burton Road

The building was donated to the people
of Withington by Lord Egerton of
Tatton. The date in the brickwork is
1861. It functions as a club and once
held a lending library. See the
Village history for more about
this building. [2012]

Rutherford Lodge, Ernest Rutherford, Withington

What is now called Rutherford Lodge on
Wilmslow Road (east side, just north of
junction with Mauldeth Road). Ernest
Rutherford, later Lord Rutherford O.M.,
the great atomic physicist, lived here
1907-1919. Notice the blue plaque.


Queen Street West, off Wilmslow Road:
One of  several old buildings on the street:
a stable with  a hayloft, hoist and a
horseshoe on the door! [2012]

queen street withington smithy

Queen Street West: Another old building,
marked as a smithy on the 1916
OS Sheet  111.07. Notice the horseshoe
 over the door. [2012]

cottages, egerton crescent, withington

Old cottages between Egerton Crescent
and  Withington Methodist Church. [2012]

Victorian Withington: Davenport Avenue

Victorian Withington - west side. This
is Davenport Avenue. [2012]

Victorian Withington: Davenport Avenue

The opposite side of Davenport Avenue.
Named after a Mr. Davenport who
owned the land. [2012]

William Priday grave, Withington

The grave of William J. Priday and
family in  St. Paul's churchyard.
William Priday was the owner of
the forge. See the Village history
for details of his life. [2012]

Souchay grave, St Paul's Withington

In the churchyard of St. Paul's is the
tomb of Charles Souchay and his wife,
Adelaide. The Souchay family is of
German extraction and related to
Cecilia, the wife of the composer 
Felix Mendelssohn. See the
Wikipedia page for details of the
family [2012]
Waterloo Public House, Withington, Brigadier

The plaque on Brigadier Close, site of the 
Waterloo Public House: Commemorating 
Brigadier the dog who won the Waterloo 
Cup. See the Village history for
the story of Brigadier. 
[Thanks to Jane Watson for
this photograph.]

Withington Baths

Withington Baths. An early work of the city 
architect, Henry Price (1867-1944). The 
foundation stone is dated 1911. The building
 incorporates elements of Art Nouveau. For 
more details, see the Village history. [2013]
Foundation stone, Withington Baths

Withington Baths foundation plaque, 
dated November 7th, 1911. [2013]
Withington Baths - Art Nouveau

Withington Baths - decorative
ceramic work. [2013]

Withington Baths - Art Nouveau

Withington Baths - Art Nouveau elements: 
stained glass. [2013]
Withington Baths - Art Nouveau

Withington Baths - Art Nouveau elements:
stained glass. [2013]

Withington Baths - the chimney

Withington Baths: The chimney.
Withington Public Laundry

This large factory-like building on Francis
Road, on the south side of Withington,
was once Withington Laundry - a public
utility. The site appears as fields on
the 1892 O.S. map, but the laundry is
marked on both the 1916 and
the 1934 O.S. maps. It is now occupied
by a company. [July, 2013]
Stone-slab walling, Withington

Stone slabs set upright alongside a path
between Yew Tree Road and Hill Street.
The path used of mark the northern
boundary of the now-demolished
Yew Tree Farm (see the 1934 OS map).
[July, 2013]

Chapel Terrace, Withington

Chapel Terrace, between Old Moat Lane
and Burton Road. The terrace used to
adjoin Hough Farm and Bradshaw
Fold (1934 OS map). [July, 2013]