Withington history
Protests at the Green
This page describes protests in 2012 at the development proposals by The Christies/MCRC in the Withington Green area.

Registration of Withington Green as a village green

Withington Green was a valued and important public space for the community. It is one of only two sites in Withington with a recorded history of over 200 years (the other being The Red Lion). It contributes to Withington's distinctiveness. As an amenity, it was a very pleasant space and, in the summer, when it was used and enjoyed by local residents, and patients and staff from The Christie, who sit, socialise and relax on the seats and grass. Families would play on the lawns.

On 19th January 2012, over 200 local residents demonstrated on Withington Green. They were opposed to its development and other aspects of the planning application proposed by The Christie/University.

Building developments 

After the Council approved the plans, the developers used a hawk to deter birds from nesting in the area (March/April 2012). The trees  by the Green were felled, as have trees to the rear of the Victorian/Edwardian villas (April 2012) and then the villas were demolished (July, 2012). Pictures of these activities are below (click on images for larger views). Thanks to David Plater for some of these photographs.

Handler with a Harris Hawk, employed by
the developers to deter birds and prevent
nesting on the site.


The hawk in the branches of a tree.

The Victorian villas and mature trees
before their destruction.


One of the Victorian/Edwardian villas.

The villas from the south.


The magnificent trees against the sky - the
trees are Horse Chestnut, Lime and Beech.

Withington Green - Tree felling

The destruction of the trees. Tree-ring
counts indicate that the trees are at
least 70 years old, and some are over
83 years old. Some of the trees
had "Tree Preservation Orders"!


Across the Green - stark without the trees
(May, 2012).
Withington Green

Demolition of the Victorian/Edwardian villas.
One destroyed...


... and then the other (July, 2012).

A sign of things to come.

The Green looking glorious with summer
bedding, but now backed by the demolition
(July, 2012).

Protest on the Green

On Thursday January 19th 2012, the councillors on the MCC Planning Committee visited the proposed site of the expansion of Christies Hospital and the MCRC development. The local residents and the Civic Society put on a demonstration of how the developments would affect the people and locality. In all, over 200 people turned up including the local councillors. The original plans were later rejected at the planning meeting. See also an article in the South Manchester Reporter.

Here are some pictures of the site visit. Click on the pictures for a larger view.

Before the site visit: David Plater
addressing the protestors.


Before the site visit: some of the crowd
of protestors around the village green.

Some of the issues.


More issues.

Yet more issues.

The councillors of the Planning Committee
arriving at the site.


Protestors addressing the Planning


Balloons to illustrate the height of the
proposed multi-storey carpark relative
to nearby houses.


A residents' banner.


Addressing the Planning Committee on the
site of the proposed multi-storey carpark.


Teachers from local schools expressing
the risks to schoolchildren (1).


Teachers from local schools expressing
the risks to schoolchildren (2).

A group of local residents and councillors on Withington Green took place on Monday, May 7th 2012, to celebrate the finalisation of the response to objectors to the registration as a village green. Pictures below.

Withington Green - gathering May 2012
Withington Green